• Research activity

Research activity

A number of different funded research programmes contributed to the realisation of the studies that have already been completed and published, as well as to a number of studies that are currently underway or are awaiting publication in both Greek and international scientific journals.

Funded research programmes and projects:

1999; “Κοινωνική ιστορία της ιατρικής: εκπαίδευση και συγκρότηση του ιατρικού σώματος και των μαιών στην μετά τον Παστέρ περίοδο (τέλος 19ου-αρχές 20ού αιώνα)”. Scientific coordinator: Eugenia Bournova; Funding body: ELKE, University of Athens.

2004–2007; “Οικονομική και κοινωνική ιστορία της σύγχρονης Αθήνας, 1834-1950”. Scientific coordinator: Eugenia Bournova; Funding body: EPEAEK II – Pythagoras Programme (75% contributed by the European Social Fund and 25% national resources).

2012–2013; “Η αγορά αστικών ακινήτων. Μορφές κατοικίας, κοινωνικός διαχωρισμός και επενδυτικές στρατηγικές στην Αθήνα, 1880 – 1960”. Scientific coordinator: Eugenia Bournova; Funding bodies: ELKE, University of Athens and Hellenic Petroleum SA.


2011–2012; “Πεθαίνοντας στην Αθήνα: αιτίες θανάτου και κοινωνικά και δημογραφικά χαρακτηριστικά των θανόντων κατά την περίοδο 1880–1910. Συμβολή στην κοινωνική ιστορία της Αθήνας”. Post-doctoral fellow: Myrto Dimitropoulou; Awarding body: Hellenic State Scholarships Foundation 

Participation in European Scientific Networks:

  • Phoenix TN – European Thematic Network on Health and Social Welfare Policy. Provided the funding for participation in a number of international conferences where the findings of the research on the history of public health in Athens were presented. Phoenix TN also provided the funding for organising such a conference in Athens and oversaw the publication of a number of collective volumes on public health (see ‘Publications’).
  • PATRINUS – European Network for a Social and Cultural History of Baptism and Godparenthood. Through our collaboration with this network, we presented our research on baptisms in contemporary Athens at a number of international conferences. A collective volume is scheduled for publication in 2014.


In the context of the Urban History course at the Department of Economics, UoA, students come into contact with primary archival material and are requested to index a small part of it. Since the introduction of this course in 2000, and in collaboration with the Municipality of Athens and with register offices across the Capital Region, students have indexed numerous marriage and death registry records. The students also carried out closed interviews with residents of Exarheia, the results of which will be used in a study on the history of Kallidromiou Street, currently being conducted by the group.

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