• Pubs

Αναζήτηση δημοσιεύσεων

E.Bournova-V. Gouzi, “Going down Piraeus Street: the metamorphoses of a street, witness of industrial Greece”

E.Bournova-V. Gouzi, “Going down Piraeus Street: the metamorphoses of a street, witness of industrial Greece” (in collaboration with Vincent Gouzi), in Maloutas T., Spyrellis S. (eds), Athens Social Atlas. Digital compendium of texts and visual material (http://www.athenssocialatlas.gr/en/), 2023.

Τύπος: application/octet-stream
Θεάσεις: 192 Θεάσεις
  • K45 11 960
  • K45 32 997